How To Get the Most Out of P4P This Off-Season

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Now that the summer has passed, household goods volume has slowed across the industry and movers are looking for every advantage to continue to bring in as much business as possible. Whether you use P4P for contact center services, video survey, or to simply get more leads, P4P allows you to select very specific criteria for which moves you are interested in pursuing.

Expand Your Territory

By increasing the number of zip codes you are willing to work in, you can increase lead volume. Adding zip codes for a few more neighborhoods can immediately bring in more customers, especially if you are close to a major metropolitan area.


Most movers increase their weight minimum for the summer months to 4000 lbs or more. During the off-season though, 2000 lbs or 2500 lbs may be more appropriate. These jobs can still be lucrative, and they generate business to keep your skilled salespeople and household goods crews busy.

Next-day Appointments

During summer, the earliest most movers are able to get out to a home to perform a survey is several days out. During the off-season, being willing to accept last-minute moves and get an estimate in a customer's hand the next business day can help differentiate you win more jobs.

Qualifying Questions

P4P gives you full control over what scripts we use with your customers. The more qualifying questions our contact center representatives ask, the more customers we disqualify and the fewer leads you receive. Sometimes, and especially during the winter months, it is best to let your salespeople do what they do best: sell. Relaxing your qualifying criteria a bit will get your salespeople into more potential customer homes and let them explain the benefits of a full-service move in person.


While most people prefer to move long-distance during the summer, local moves are less seasonal as moving locally is generally less disruptive to a family. Accepting more local moves during the off-season helps keep your local crews busy year-round.

Premium Program

If you are using P4P for contact center services but not the Premium Program, it's worth buying some appointments through this program. Competition is limited to AMSA Certified Pro-Movers. Most metro areas can generate significant volume, even during the off-season.

Lead Aggregation

Using P4P as a contact center for 3rd-party leads is one way to immediately and significantly increase the volume of customers you reach. You can either send us leads, or we can purchase them from lead aggregators directly. We immediately call each lead as it comes in, and follow up multiple times to make sure to maximize your investment.


Many multi-location movers use certain P4P services only for certain branches. During the off-season, make sure you have every branch signed up and set up with flexible options for receiving surveys.

Virtual Survey

If you haven’t yet tried virtual in-home surveys, or “video surveys”, here is a list of 9 Ways to Grow Your Business With Virtual Surveys.

If you are interested in any of these or are a current client and want to double-check your appointment parameters, reach out to your account rep today or shoot an email to and we’ll get right back to you!

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