The Scarcest Resource in the Moving Industry Isn’t Drivers


The scarcest resource in the moving industry isn’t drivers - it’s management capacity. Let’s face it: the moving industry has never been an easy industry to recruit young talent into. Experienced general managers and other sales and operations leaders are getting older at the same rate that drivers are, and are getting tougher and tougher to hire in our industry.

The best owners and managers in the industry know that the most important thing in the business is operational excellence. Executing on every move in a way that both delights the customer and turns a profit is extremely difficult. Without a keen eye on operations, customer satisfaction falters and a reputation is a tough thing to rebuild.

However, ignoring your sales and marketing efforts is not an option. We meet many moving company owners and GMs who barely have time to work with their sales teams, let alone staff, train, and monitor calls and metrics for their contact center such that every website lead gets called immediately and every inbound call is answered within three rings.

At P4P, our solution for these managers is to take on all the overhead of running this team by managing all their inbound calls and leads. Clients do a regular call with a dedicated P4P Account Manager to review all the metrics, listen to recordings of calls, and tweak scripts. Our management team takes care of recruiting, hiring, training, quality assurance, and scheduling a 7-day per week contact center team, as well as all the software and phone and computer systems overhead. And, having an employee put in their notice right before busy season is never a crisis P4P clients ever have to deal with.

We help managers stop their contact center team from becoming a management time sink. P4P clients gain control of their moving contact center costs and performance while freeing up time to focus more on operational excellence and sales optimization.

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