Timing is Everything


June is a glorious time in the moving industry. If you’ve properly prepared, both your sales and operations teams should be completely swamped right now. If so, congratulations!

However, it is important to keep in mind that very soon, your sales team will start to loosen up a bit. This usually happens sometime around the July 4th: there are a couple of open appointment slots here and there, and while lead volume is still high, it becomes clear that you are past the busiest part of summer.

The problem is that the operations team may not be feeling this loosening quite yet, and so most owners and GMs who are focussed on executing flawless shipments might miss the new slack in their sales capacity. As we discussed in our Preparing for Summer post, this is the biggest mistake we see movers make year after year: waiting too long to turn lead spending back on, and needlessly missing out on end of summer and early fall opportunities.

The real estate market is white hot right now, and the National Association of Realtors predicts that 2018 will continue to be a record-breaking year with a 3% year/year increase in existing home sales and a whopping 8% increase in new home sales to finish out 2018. This combined with an economy still firing on all cylinders indicates continuing strength in both the local and long-distance relocation markets.

So as we approach July 4th weekend, keep a close eye on the calendars of your sales team and as soon as you see slack, reach out to your P4P rep to discuss opportunities to increase lead volume to make sure this peak season volume continues long into the fall!

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