Keep Summer Going


It has been said that anyone in the moving industry will make money in the Summer and have to survive the Winter, but Spring and Fall is when you find out who knows what they’re doing. Well, the customers who are moving this Fall are starting to reach out to movers! Even though you may be still crushing it operationally, the sales efforts you sow now represent what you’ll reap in September and October.

P4P has several options to help out. The first is the P4P Premium Program: for most of the hundreds of companies who use our contact center services, when a lead comes in that is outside their service area, we route that customer into our Premium Program. While we are still live on the phone, we offer to match that customer with another quality (AMSA ProMover) company that is in their area, based on service zip codes. On that same phone call, we then schedule between one and three in-home (or virtual survey) appointments with that customer. The “Premium” refers to the fact that these leads are highly qualified and low competition (just starting their outreach process) - not the price!

Surprisingly, there are some zip codes where we only have one mover, or even no movers to service these leads! Throughout July, we have been identifying these areas and reaching out to moving companies who could potentially service these highly qualified leads. If you are a client of ours and are in one of these areas, you’ll likely hear from us soon. If you want to be proactive, reach out to your account rep today to inquire!

A second simple option to get more volume is the Lead Exchange integration with MyMovingReviews. Through this integration, we can take your existing zip codes and other filters and simply turn on leads with zero management on your part.

While it may seem counter-intuitive to be putting the pedal down while your operation is still slammed, smart movers know that putting effort into sales during the second half of Summer is the key to having a strong Fall. Take a look at your salespeoples’ calendars today, and if there is space on them over the next few weeks, give us a call and we’ll help fix that!

Blog online marketing efforts online marketing techniques providers of quality leads internet marketing virtual survey insights contact center